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14. November 2024

Ready4H2 and Frontier Economics meet to develop Ready4H2 mapping study

Ready4H2 Strategy Workshop
Progress; © Pixabay

The Ready4H2 Steering Committee, its Partners and Frontier Economics team convened last week for a strategy workshop, online and at Gasnet's offices in Prague.   

Participants worked together to define the hydrogen consumption scenarios that will form the basis of the geospatial mapping study (being conducted by Frontier), which is integral to Ready4H2’s advocacy as it will visually demonstrate the critical role that gas distribution grids play in delivering hydrogen; to what extent will gas distribution grids be essential in providing access to hydrogen and how vital is using gas distribution grids in supporting the transition to decarbonised energy and fuels for specific sectors across urban, regional, and national levels. Participants also developed draft key messages that will be developed to form the project’s advocacy moving forward. 

Project Director, Barbara Jinks, said that: “The workshop was productive, helped set the direction for the next months, and reaffirmed the commitment of Ready4H2 Members and Partners to position DSOs at the forefront of hydrogen deployment”.  

The outcomes from the study will be crucial to the project’s advocacy, showcasing the transformation of distribution grids to facilitate the supply of hydrogen across Europe where it is needed most.  

In case of questions please do not hesitate to contact
Barbara Jinks