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Reports & Analysis

Ready4H2 is a new alliance of more than 70 local gas network operators and national associations in 10 countries across Europe, dedicated to developing and sharing our expertise to deliver the hydrogen transformation in practice. We are passionate about the role that hydrogen and other green gases can play in achieving net zero.

Czech Republic; ©, konoplizkay

In Phase 3 we will investigate the progress that gas distribution operators have made towards transforming to deliver hydrogen, and show the role of hydrogen distribution in decarbonising energy into the future. 

2 DVGW brochures about H2 © DVGW/fotolia-L-karandaev

Ready4H2 joined DVGW to launch two brochures on the role of hydrogen and gas infrastructure in reducing the CO2 footprint from energy:

  • Hydrogen reduces the CO2 footprint - in many ways: outlines the different ways in which hydrogen can be produced and their different CO2 footprint reactions. The key message is that hydrogen can be produced in a climate-friendly manner, especially and green hydrogen that is virtually climate neutral.
  • Largely H2-ready now: grids, storage facilities, components: outlines the history of gas grids in Germany having been transformed several times in the past, to accommodate different gas qualities and how the distribution grid is largely hydrogen-ready. Hydrogen ready means being able to swap from natural gas to hydrogen without operational restrictions.
Report Part 03: 23 March 2022
A roadmap for local gas distribution networks to become the leading hydrogen distribution infrastructure in 2045

The Ready4H2 Alliance’s third report which presents a roadmap towards fully decarbonized gas distribution grids across Europe. By utilizing the gas distributions companies existing organizations and infrastructure it is possible to facilitate a hydrogen market development, convert the networks to hydrogen distribution and make sure local producers and consumers of hydrogen are connected. 

Key insights from the report:

  • Local gas distribution network can convert their networks to hydrogen and offer access to a European market for hydrogen producers and consumers.
  • Hydrogen networks can deliver pilot projects in the local communities which can develop into full hydrogen infrastructure systems 
  • A fit for purpose policy and regulatory framework will be needed to enable local gas distribution networks to transition to hydrogen and help achieve REPowerEU goals
  • European policy can enable the transformation of local gas distribution networks and create a big hydrogen market across our continent, with local hydrogen distribution networks providing the essential connections between producers and consumers. This will have major benefits in a large-scale hydrogen economy, including:
    • Reducing CO2 emissions by over 500 million tonnes a year.
    • Creating almost 1 million European jobs.
    • Reducing imports of fossil gas and oil substantially and improving security of supply.
    • Supporting European manufacturing to decarbonize and thereby remain in Europe. 
Report Part 02: Updated March 2022
The value of local hydrogen distribution networks in a decarbonised Europe

The Ready4H2 Alliance’s second report about how the existing gas distribution companies can contribute to the rapid developing hydrogen sectors

Key insights from the report:

  • Gas infrastructure provides the means to cope with rapidly growing shares of variable wind and solar power
  • As 99% of industrial and commercial gas end-users are connected to local gas networks, we are crucial to bring the European hydrogen backbone to life and deliver large volumes of hydrogen to millions of customers
  • Analysis shows that in a decarbonisation scenario including significant volumes of hydrogen and green methane, investment in the combined power and gas infrastructure is estimated to save 41 bn EUR/year compared to a power dominated scenario
Report Part 01: updated March 2022
Local gas networks are getting ready to convert

The Ready4H2 alliance’s first report about the hydrogen readiness of the millions of kilometers of gas network spread out across Europe

Key insights from the report:

  • European local gas networks deliver cost-effective and safe energy to consumers.
  • Hydrogen is key to net zero, and local networks are crucial to accelerate deployment.
  •  Over 1 million km of distribution pipelines are ready for hydrogen.
  •  Countries are starting to provide support, but it needs to be accelerated.